We’re here for you!

MIND 24-7 Mesa provides walk-in urgent mental health care for adults and children 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Mental health concerns do not take a day off, so we don’t either. When a person needs us, they can walk in—no appointment needed—and they will be able to see a mental health clinician the same day.

Where to Enter
The main parking lot is on the south and east sides of the building, adjacent to Higley Road and Southern Avenue.

Youth Entrance
The youth entrance is located at the southeast corner of the building. Look for the entrance marked “Youth Patient.”

Adult Entrance
The adult entrance is located on the east side of the building. Look for the “Adult Patient” sign.

Mesa Urgent Psychiatric Clinic FAQs

Does MIND 24-7 offer walk-ins?

MIND 24-7 Mesa provides walk-in urgent mental health care 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just like an emergency room or urgent care center—but with a much shorter wait!

When a person needs urgent mental health care, they can simply walk in—no appointment needed.

We are your 24 hour urgent mental care clinic within minutes of the following zip codes: 85201, 85202, 85203, 85204, 85205, 85206, 85207, 85208, 85209, 85210, 85212, 85213, 85215, 85216, 85220, 85242, 85275, 85277. If you live in the the following neighborhoods, just know that emergency mental health services are minutes away from our Mesa crisis care center: Alta Mesa, Dobson Ranch, Eastmark, Las Sendas, Lehi, Red Mountain Ranch, Superstition Springs, The Groves, Villages of Eastridge.

Crisis Care Treatments In Mesa

  • Crisis Therapy

  • Anxiety Treatment

  • Depression Treatment

  • Bipolar Disorder Treatment

  • ADHD Treatment

  • OCD Treatment

  • PTSD Treatment

  • Self Harm Treatment

  • Trauma Therapy

  • Panic Disorder Treatment

  • Antisocial Personality Disorder Treatment

  • Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

  • Dependent Personality Disorder Treatment

  • Narcissistic Disorder Treatment

  • Complicated Grief Treatment

  • Dissociative Disorder Treatment

  • Childhood Trauma Treatment

  • Schizophrenia Treatment

How does a person make an appointment for mental health urgent care?

Emergency Health Services In Mesa

The MIND 24-7 Mesa mental health urgent care clinic does not take appointments. But that’s okay because they aren’t ever needed! People can walk in any time, day or night, and be seen by one of our mental health professionals.

How does someone know if they need mental health urgent care services?

Need Help For Acute Mental Health Services In Mesa?

Some of the signs that someone is experiencing (or nearing) a mental health crisis include:

  • Changes in mood and energy levels
  • Isolation or withdrawal from loved ones
  • Changes in physical appearance
  • Agitation or violent behaviors including self-harm and destruction of property
  • Substance use
  • High-risk behaviors
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations or hearing voices that are not there
  • Prior suicide attempts

However, there are many other reasons a person might seek mental health urgent care services that are not a crisis. A person might be struggling with depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder and they do not have a mental health provider or cannot get an appointment with one. They also might want to seek care if they simply do not feel like themselves and want to talk to someone right away.

A person may not know exactly what kind of help they need, and that’s okay. The mental health clinicians at MIND 24-7 can help a person find the next best step for them.

For example, if someone is in crisis and needs more intensive care, we will admit them and care for them around the clock until they feel ready to go home—typically within 24 hours. In other cases, the answer might be a prescription medication or a referral to ongoing individual or group counseling.

Does MIND 24-7 accept insurance?

Does Insurance Pay For Crisis Care?

Insurance coverage should never be a barrier to getting mental health care when a person needs it. We accept many insurance plans, including AHCCCS (Medicaid), but if a person is concerned about coverage, our team is happy to work with them to find the best solution for their personal situation.

Can MIND 24-7 prescribe medication?

Is Medication Used For Emergency Mental Health Situations?

When a person comes to MIND 24-7 to see a therapist or psychiatrist, our providers will evaluate them and develop a personalized treatment plan, including any needed medications, and get them back to their home and life. We also will coordinate any referrals or additional care with their provider(s) of choice.